Leadership Statement

Tan Sri Dr. Ngau Boon Keat

Dear Stakeholders,

Amidst a rapidly evolving global landscape marked by economic uncertainty, climate challenges, and societal expectations that continue to shape how businesses approach sustainability, it is evident that balancing business resilience with sustainable practices has become more critical than ever.

Since launching our updated Environmental, Social andGovernance (“ESG”) framework in FY2022, we continue to make progress in setting goals, targets and initiatives on key material topics. This year, following our FY2022 materiality assessment, we conducted a midpoint review with our stakeholders to gather their feedback and assess the relevance of these topics in today’s context.

Also building on our Sustainability Policy, we introduced the Environmental Policy in September 2024. Collectively, these policies help us mitigate risks, uphold our reputationand generate long-term value through responsible resource use and environmental stewardship.

Tan Sri Dr. Ngau Boon Keat
Executive Chairman
Tan Sri Dr. Ngau Boon Keat

DIALOG ESG Strategy Framework's Alignment to UNSDGs

DIALOG’s ESG Strategy Framework serves as our guide for integrating sustainability considerations throughout the Group. We manage and structure our material topics within three pillars: Environmental Stewardship, Advancing People as well as Robust Governance and Ethical Practices.

DIALOG supports the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) and prioritises 8 SDGs to enhance our current ESG initiatives, underscoring our commitment to building a sustainable future for the locations which we operate in.

We carefully conserve and preserve the environment by first identifying our impacts, followed by responsible management practices and mitigation measures where appropriate
We strive to make positive contributions to our employees, communities and societies in which we operate
We aim to uphold the highest standards of governance, business ethics, integrity and transparency

Prioritised SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals Logo

FY2024 ESG Highlights

Sustainability Governance

DIALOG’s sustainability governance is supported by key policies, systems, processes, standard operating procedures and best practices.

Governance Structure

Roles and Responsibilities
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Risk Management Committee
Risk Management Committee
Executive Leadership Team, chaired by Executive Chairman
Executive Leadership Team, chaired by Executive Chairman
Sustainability Development Working Committee
Sustainability Development Working Committee

Material Topics

DIALOG’s material topics undergoes a comprehensive materiality assessment every four years, with a high-level midpoint review every two years.

The midpoint review that was conducted in FY2024 saw some movement with regards to the relative importance of DIALOG’s material topics.

Materiality Matrix in FY2024

Environmental Stewardship
Climate Change Strategy
Waste & Effluent Management
Water Management
Air Emissions
Advancing People
Occupational Safety & Health
Human Capital Management
Community Engagement
Labour Standards
Supply Chain Management
Robust Governance and Ethical Practices
Economic Performance
Corporate Governance
Anti-Bribery & Corruption
Business Ethics
Risk Management
Tax Transparency

Our ESG Roadmap

To accelerate our ESG journey, DIALOG has developed an ESG Roadmap, outlining the initiatives the Group aims to achieve in the short to medium-term. This proactive approach enables our organisation to evolve and allocate the appropriate resources toward accomplishing our Roadmap goals.

Commitment towards ESG
Taking action in promoting sustainability
Short-term (2023-2025)
Medium-term (2026-2030)
  • All employees are aware and informed of our commitment towards ESG
  • Clear roles and responsibility established in governance structure for sustainability related topics
  • Baseline and Key Performance Index (“KPIs”) set for goals
  • Sustainability is integrated in each business functions group-wide
  • All relevant employees managing sustainability topics are equipped with fundamental knowledge and skills to take actions
  • Clear goals and KPIs for each material topics are well defined
DIALOG Group Environmental Policy

Policies and Guidelines

DIALOG recently introduced its Environmental Policy in September 2024, further building on the groundwork laid by our Sustainability Policy, which was introduced in August 2023. This progression underscores the Group’s commitment to minimising our environmental impact in our pursuit of sustainable growth. Together, these policies help us manage risks, safeguard our reputation and create long-term value through responsible resource utilisation and environmental stewardship.

Goals and Targets for 5 Key Material Topics

As we lay the groundwork for sustainability, we have identified 5 key topics for goal and target setting for the short to medium-term. We will ensure that our initiatives stay relevant and on track to achieving our goals through regular reviews and refinements. We also intend to continuously expand its scope by setting goals and targets for more topics.

Material Topics
Short / Mid-term Targets (by FY2030)
FY2024 Results
Occupational Safety & Health
Prevent workplace accidents or injuries, and mitigate safety and health risks
  • Maintain Total Recordable Incident Rate (“TRIR”) that is better than industry benchmark
  • Maintain positive OSH impact from leaders through HSE Walkabout for open sharing annually
  • Maintained TRIR that is better than industry benchmark
  • Conducted 376 walkabouts
  • Facilitated Health/Fitness programmes throughout the year across the Group which garnered positive participation
Human Capital Management
Enhance labour standards and practices
Launch Sexual Harassment e-learning and set e-learning target
Successfully implemented the Sexual Harassment e-learning in July 2024 to cultivate understanding and awareness on the matter across the Group and create a safe working environment for everybody
Fair wage and employee benefits
100% employees have access to Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”)
Completed periodical review of country specific employee benefits across Malaysia and international offices to ensure compliance and gauge market competitiveness
Improve workforce diversity
Continuously introduce initiatives to attract and retain more females in management
Proactively collaborated with Head of Departments (“HODs”) to identify potential areas for improvement and provide more female candidates in selection process
Continuously enhance workforce competency
More than 80% of employees attend minimum 8 hours of training annually
Continuously engaged with HODs to encourage employees to participate in functional/technical/compliance and core/generic training that are relevant to the majority of workforce
Business Ethics
Pursue the highest standards of corporate governance and business ethics
More than 80% of DIALOG employees to complete training courses on critical areas annually
Anti-Bribery and Corruption (“ABC”) Training and recertification completed in FY2024 with a 74% completion rate
Minimise supply chain sustainability risk
Launch ESG related audit of critical suppliers and contractors to ensure they are compliant and uphold the same ESG values as DIALOG
Audit Committee approved the ESG related audit on critical suppliers/contractors in the FY2025 Audit Plan
Waste & Effluent Management
Reduce waste generation and ensure these are disposed /discharged properly
Enhance awareness and implement training workshops to ensure proper waste management
Identified the various types of waste produced across all operations and implemented data recording processes
Community Engagement
Promote a caring culture by positively impacting communities through meaningful CSR activities via MyKasih Foundation
More than 85% employee participation in community volunteerism activities annually
A total of 19 employee engagement activities were successfully executed throughout the year with positive participation

Environmental Stewardship

The Group is committed to operating responsibly to ensure we minimise our impact on the environment, taking into consideration our role in tackling the climate change crisis through better management of energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity protection, water consumption, waste management and pollution prevention.


Climate Change

In FY2022, we formulated a Climate Change Strategy focusing on four areas: Decarbonisation, Sustainable and Renewables, Circular Economy, and Climate Risk Management. Each area aligns with our operations and leverages on our business strengths to positively impact the broader environment.

Climate Aspiration
Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050
Short-Term (2023-2025)
Mid-Term (2026-2030)
Risk Theme 1:
Risk Theme 2:
Focus Area 1
Focus Area 2
Sustainable and Renewables
Focus Area 3
Circular Economy
Focus Area 4
Climate Risk Management

Air Emissions, Water Management, Waste & Effluent Management

DIALOG volunteers @ SK Bukit Lanjan Gotong Royong

DIALOG sets and maintains standards of environmental management via its Health, Safety & Environment ManagementSystem (“HSEMS”). The Group demonstrates our commitment to reducing our environmental impact through our HSE Policy, where we have stated that we will strive to:

HSEMS ensures proper procedures and work systems are in place to manage DIALOG’s air emissions, water, waste and effluent.



DIALOG volunteers cleaning up the Pantai Batu Laut Beach

Detailed Environmental Impact Assessments (“DEIA”) are mandatory for new projects or expansions of existing ones. DEIAs assess impacts on biodiversity, water pollution, air quality, noise pollution and waste management. These assessments go into formulating site-specific Environmental Management Plans (“EMP”) and ongoing Environment Monitoring Management Plans for the project duration. To ensure compliance with EMPs, we engage with registered DOE consultants to perform annual environmental audits based on the DEIAs and EMPs.

DIALOG remains committed to minimising our impact on biodiversity through close engagement with local governments, regulators and non-governmental organisations (“NGOs”).

Advancing People

DIALOG’s Engineer at project site

People are integral to the sustainability of any organisation. Employees, suppliers and the surrounding community have to work in tandem to create long-lasting value for all stakeholders. As such, DIALOG is committed to positively impacting our employees, suppliers and the communities where we operate.


Occupational Safety & Health ("OSH")

Beyond protecting the Group against financial, operational and legal risks, a strong OSH record enhances our ability to attract and retain talent, build trust among our customers and stakeholders, and ensures our license to operate. As such, DIALOG is committed to protect the safety and health of our employees and the people we work with.

Ensuring workplace safety is key and a main priority at DIALOG. As a leading integrated service provider to the energy sector, we adopt the best Health, Safety and Environment (“HSE”) practices, ensuring compliance with local and international standards, as well as our clients’ requirements.

HSE Policy & Guidelines

DIALOG’s HSE Policy drives our commitment to our stakeholders with respect to Health, Safety and Environment.

Aim for Zero Non-Compliance & Harm to People
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)
Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR)
Work Related Employee Fatalities
Work Related Contractor Fatalities

Human Capital Management

Our employees are our most valuable asset. Their well-being and performance are critical to the sustainability of the Group’s business, as they directly affect the outcome of our deliverables to our valued clients and stakeholders.

As such, it is inherently important for us to manage our people holistically and effectively, particularly as competition for talent in the marketplace grows increasingly fierce.

* Figures reported in FY2022 and FY2023 have been adjusted to reflect the reclassification of employee categories that now includes daily wage employees.
** The category titles in “Women in Management” have been renamed in the 2024 Annual Report, and it was previously known as Senior, Upper and Middle Management respectively. The calculation method remains unchanged.

Local Hiring
Employees by Category
Employee by Age Group
Employees by Gender
Women in Management

Community Engagement

Community engagement provides an avenue for collaborative efforts to be made towards overall community welfare and well-being. We believe that this is a meaningful way of building trust as a critical element in long-term, sustainable engagement and effective governance.

DIALOG’s Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) and community engagement activities are executed through MyKasih Foundation (“MyKasih”), a private non-profit which DIALOG supports. MyKasih’s mission of reaching out to families living in poverty and providing them with basic needs for food and educational assistance is aligned with DIALOG’s social obligation of caring for underprivileged communities and helping them to remain resilient. Working with strategic partners, MyKasih also implementsprogrammes to help beneficiaries achieve financial independence and food security in the long run.

Recipient of MyKasih ‘Love My Neighbourhood’ Food Aid Programme at the checkout counter
Recipient of MyKasih ‘Love My Neighbourhood’ Food Aid Programme at the checkout counter
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Recipient of SARA Programme
Recipient of SARA Programme
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Orang Asli student robotics team from SK Permatang Keledang at the MakeX International Robotics Competition
Orang Asli student robotics team from SK Permatang Keledang at the MakeX International Robotics Competition
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SK Bukit Lanjan Aquaponic System
SK Bukit Lanjan Aquaponic System
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The U-13 boys game during the rugby national championship at SK Bukit Lanjan
The U-13 boys game during the rugby national championship at SK Bukit Lanjan
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Kelulut honey being harvested in Kampung Manok, Jeli, Kelantan
Kelulut honey being harvested in Kampung Manok, Jeli, Kelantanang
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Homemade cookies baked by MyKasih B40 community of PPR Lembah Subang
Homemade cookies baked by MyKasih B40 community of PPR Lembah Subang
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Barista training course conducted in Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
Barista training course conducted in Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
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Supply Chain Management

At DIALOG, supply chain management remains paramount in achieving long-term success and resilience. With ethical and responsible business practices at the core of our supply chain management approach, the screening process begins with the evaluation of potential vendors and contractors through a qualification process and an invitation to bid.

Robust Governance And Ethical Practices

We uphold the highest standards of governance, business ethics, integrity and transparency as robust governance and ethical behaviour are the bedrock of every responsibly managed organisation.


Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

DIALOG adheres to the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“the Code”) to ensure high standards of transparency, accountability and integrity in managing the Group’s business. Our commitment to upholding this culture of ethics, transparency and compliance is specifically expressed in DIALOG’s Code of Business Ethics, which all employees must adhere to without exception.


Anti-Bribery & Corruption

At DIALOG, ethical behaviour is our top priority, and we strictly enforce our established Code of Business Ethics and related policies seriously.

The implementation of Corporate Liability involving commercial organisations under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (“MACC”) Section 17A on 1 June 2020, aligns with our goal of fostering a business environment free of bribery and corruption.


Risk Management

Risk management is integral to DIALOG’s operations, where processes are governed by the Risk Management policy and framework. Group Risk Management collaborates with business lines to continuously identify, evaluate and manage significant business risks.


Tax Transparency

Taxes help stimulate economic growth by enabling governments to address key needs such as healthcare, education and infrastructure, which contributes to a stable and thriving economy. As a responsible corporate citizen, DIALOG observes all applicable laws, rules and regulations to fulfil its tax compliance and reporting obligations in countries where it operates.


Economic Performance

DIALOG’s business model is well structured to address the volatility risk posed by oil prices and currency movements to the sustainability of the Group. The Group has proactively adopted various strategies in our business, including: